Top Quality Eye Care
Holloway Eye Care & Optique is proud to be a full-service eye care provider. As a full-service provider, our optometrists are with you from start to finish. You can get an eye exam, be fitted for contacts, and pick out a new pair of glasses in one visit!

Referrals for LASIK, cataract surgery, and other specialists are provided as needed or requested. Our team can also handle all your pre-and post-operative care. If there are any services not listed below that you are interested in, please call our Havre de Grace, MD location at 410-939-7717 or our Elkton, MD location at 410-392-2323 to inquire further.

Our Services
Eye Exams
At Holloway Eye Care & Optique, you can expect individualized service tailored to you. Your eye exam will begin with a thorough patient history because 80% of all eye conditions can be diagnosed based on your history. Please let us know if you have any health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, as they can impact your sight. For your eye exam, bring your glasses, contact lenses, and a list of your medications.
Our vision tests are tailored to each patient’s age and condition. Creating a patient-friendly experience is very important to us. We explain every test ahead of time and share the result with you immediately. We use top-of-the-line technology, including state-of-the-art Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging, to take high-resolution pictures of the back of the patient’s retina. We always test for glaucoma and cataracts and provide early detection for childhood vision issues such as lazy eye.
We are also happy to work with your family physician, pediatrician, or specialist if needed. Motor vehicle vision certification forms, as well as vision reports for school, can be completed for you.
Contact Lens Fitting & Sales
Holloway Eye Care & Optique is a full service practice. We provide fittings for routine vision, astigmatism, mono-vision, multi-focal, rigid gas-permeable, and more. We work with you from your initial exam to helping you decide which contact lenses are right for you and provide instructions on inserting and removing your new lenses. Our mission is to ensure you are confident and comfortable with your new contact lenses.
We offer many of the top brands, including Acuvue and Proclear, and will fit you with the best contact lenses to suit your needs.
Contact lens fittings are a separate procedure from your routine eye exam. The doctor can do a fitting during a routine eye exam but must be made aware of your desire for contact lenses either before the exam or while you are in the exam lane. Since the fitting is a separate procedure, a separate fee is applied.
Some insurance companies do not cover contact lens fittings. If you are unsure of your coverage, please check with your insurance company or our front desk before proceeding with your fitting.
After the initial fit, you may be asked to return for a follow-up visit (at no extra charge) or to report your results over the phone to us. Your prescription will not be finalized until this has been completed.
LASIK Referral & Co-Management
LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a type of refractive laser eye surgery for correcting myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. LASIK is intended to reduce a patient’s dependency on glasses or contact lenses. The procedure involves creating a thin flap on the cornea, folding it to enable remodeling of the tissue beneath with a laser, and then the flap is repositioned, and the eye is left to heal in the postoperative period.
Most patients experience minimal pain or discomfort following the procedure, and vision typically clears quickly. Often, a patient will notice an improvement in vision immediately following the surgery. Vision clears even more during the first weeks after the surgery as the eye heals.
The optometrists of Holloway Eye Care & Optique provide the initial refractive surgical evaluation and then refer a patient to a carefully selected surgical specialist for the procedure.
Post-procedure care is important to ensure proper healing and is effectively co-managed between the surgeon and your optometrist. A patient will usually be seen the day after the procedure by the surgeon, then at one week, one month, three months, and six months. After one year, the patient is seen by Dr. Holloway or Dr. Shilts. This post-procedure schedule can be customized to meet the unique healing differences among patients.
After having the LASIK procedure, yearly eye exams by Dr. Holloway or Dr. Shilts are necessary to prevent and/or detect early eye disease.
Diabetic Exams
Cataract Co-Management
Eyewear Sales, Adjustments, & Repairs
If you need glasses or contact lenses or if your current eyewear requires adjustments or repairs, our team can help you get fitted and adjusted so you can feel comfortable and confident in your eyewear. We are proud of our selection of eyewear and are happy to help you get into a pair of glasses that fits your personality and style. Learn more about our products here.
We Offer Modern Eyewear Products

Eye Conditions We Treat
A cataract is a clouding of the natural crystalline lens of the eye. Cataracts are most commonly age-related, but they can also be caused by some medications or by trauma. They typically progress slowly and can lead to blindness if left untreated. Symptoms include blurred vision, increased glare, and decreased contrast sensitivity.
A cataract can be treated with surgery after it is developed enough to be removed. This involves removing the cataractous lens and replacing it with a permanent plastic lens. Following cataract surgery, most patients will only need glasses for near vision.
With new technological developments, there are even more options for multifocal and astigmatic lens implants. With multifocal lenses, a patient may not need glasses at all! For a full cataract evaluation, please make an appointment today.
Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration can be “dry” or “wet.” The dry form is the most common and untreatable. In this form, yellow spots called drusen form in the macula. These toxic drugs damage the retina and slowly cause deterioration of vision.
The wet form is less common and more severe. In this form, new, weak blood vessels may invade the retina and begin bleeding, causing sudden vision loss. However, it may respond to laser procedures or injections. Central vision that is lost cannot be restored, but low-vision devices such as telescopic or microscopic lenses can be prescribed to make the most out of the remaining vision.
Recent research indicates that certain vitamins and mineral supplements may help to prevent or slow the progression of Macular Degeneration.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is damage to the retina caused by complications of diabetes mellitus, which can eventually lead to blindness. It affects up to 80% of patients who have had diabetes for 10 years or more. There are two types of diabetic retinopathy: non-proliferative and proliferative.
Non-proliferative is an early form in which the doctor may see bleeding or leaking of the blood vessels in the retina. The doctor may also see macular edema or swelling in the central vision area of the retina. This will cause blurred or distorted vision.
Proliferative is a more advanced form in which the eye becomes starved of oxygen resulting in the eye growing new blood vessels (neovascularization).
Diabetic retinopathy is dangerous and can cause significant vision loss. During a dilated eye exam, the doctor evaluates the retina for these changes and may take photos to monitor the changes more closely. It is essential that all diabetic patients have a dilated eye examination at least once a year. If you are due for your dilated eye examination, please make an appointment today.
Damage first appears as blind spots in the peripheral vision. This can be detected with a Visual Field Test. Advanced, untreated glaucoma can affect central vision as well.
There is no cure for glaucoma, but medication or surgery can slow it and help to prevent further vision loss. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms. An estimated 50% of people affected by glaucoma may not know they have it.
Early detection is vital to stopping the progress of the disease. Routine eye examinations are critical, especially when there is any family history of glaucoma.
Dry Eye Syndrome
Both eyes are generally affected. Dry eye may even cause tearing. This happens when the eyes are irritated but may not make the eyes feel better.
Because blinking coats the eye with tears, symptoms are worsened by activities in which the rate of blinking is reduced due to prolonged use of the eyes, such as abundant reading, computer usage, driving, or television viewing.
Symptoms increase in windy, dusty, or smoky areas, in dry environments, at high altitudes, in low humidity, and in areas where an air conditioner, fan, heater, or hair dryer is being used. Dry eye can usually be diagnosed by the symptoms alone. Also, your doctor can perform a slit lamp examination to diagnose and document any damage to the eyes.
Mild to moderate dry eye is treated with lubricants or artificial teardrops. More severe forms may be treated with prescription eye drops, anti-inflammatory drops, or in some cases, by blocking tear drainage with plugs or surgery. Dry eye syndrome is usually recurring and can be monitored by your eye doctor at your yearly visit.
Red Eye
A red eye is a non-specific term used to describe an eye that appears red due to illness, injury, or some other condition. This can have many different causes.
One common cause of red eye is straining or coughing, leading to a sub-conjunctival hemorrhage (a bright red, bloody area on the eye). Although this bloody area is shocking in appearance, it is a fairly common occurrence and only a minor cosmetic nuisance.
Another common cause of red eye is an infection or conjunctivitis. This would be accompanied by discharge, pain, or vision problems. Inflammation can cause red eye as well and may be painful.
Red eye is also caused by ocular allergies and is often associated with itchiness. These allergies generally occur during the change of seasons.
Sometimes the red eye is of little concern, but it can also be a sign of something more severe. It is always best to seek the advice of your optometrist.
It is normal and, if present, may be considered one of nature’s imperfections. Astigmatism may cause blurred vision, eyestrain, or even headaches.
Small amounts may be ignored, but if any symptoms are present, astigmatism can be corrected by glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Styes can be triggered by stress, poor nutrition, or sleep deprivation and can be painful. They are contagious, and proper hygiene should be observed.
Treatment consists of warm compresses, antibiotic drops, oral antibiotics, and, more rarely, surgical drainage.
The vision decrease develops in the first decade of life and doesn’t worsen thereafter. Treatments include proper spectacle correction, patching therapy (when one eye is weak), muscle surgery in some strabismus cases, and follow-up care. Early treatment, ideally before age eight years old, is essential to improving vision.
As we age, the water elements separate from the fibrous elements. With this comes the onset of floaters, which can appear like gray or black spots, webs, or strands in your vision.
Some patients will see flashes if the fibrous elements tug on the retina. Besides age, injuries and nearsightedness are contributing factors.
All floaters should be checked to rule out a retina problem like a retinal hole, tear, or detachment.
Ready to Make an Appointment?

Insurance Information
Holloway Eye Care & Optique are providers for most major insurance plans. If you do not see your plan listed below, please check with your insurance company or employer to find out if we are a provider with them.
Most vision plans offer a routine eye exam for little to no co-pay. Some insurance companies have specific restrictions as far as frame and lens options are concerned. Most plans offer a discount on your frame and lens choices. These discounts are applied to our costs; you are responsible for the balance.
Some plans offer special rates, or co-pays, for lens options. Please note that this usually limits your options to a specific list set forth by the insurance company. Higher quality options may only be available outside of your plan and will be billed at regular retail pricing.
Contact lens fittings are a separate procedure from your regular eye exams; therefore, a separate fee is customary in all eye care practices. If you are diagnosed with a medical exam from the doctor, then you will be billed through your medical plan. The doctor determines the type of exam that you will be billed for. If you have questions about your diagnosis or billing for your exam, we are more than happy to answer those for you.
Insurance Carriers Accepted
- Advantica
- Aetna
- Avesis
- BC/BS MD-State of MD Employees-M3 Schedule
- BC/BS MD-Select Vision
- BC/BS MD-M1 Schedule
- BC/BS Federal
- BC/BS Independence
- Coast to Coast
- Cigna Health Care (some plans excluded, call for details)
- Coventry
- Davis Vision
- EHP-John Hopkins Health Plan
- Elder Health
- Eyemed
- Humana
- Mamsi
- Medicare
- NVA (National Vision Administrators)
- Optimum Choice
- Outlook Vision
- Principal Financial Group
- Spectera
- Superior Vision
- TriCare (out-of-network)
- United Health Care-not state insurance
- Vision Benefits of America (VBA)
- Vision Service Plan (VSP)
- Vision One
Call Our Elkton Office
Call Our Havre de Grace Office
Request an Appointment
Cecil County Office (Elkton)
202-B South Bridge St.
Elkton, MD 21921
Harford County Office (Havre de Grace)
2015-C Pulaski Highway
Havre de Grace, MD 21078